Saturday, May 5, 2007

Y'all Can Do Better Than This Shit

I know the subject’s pretty much dead, but I've been dying to comment on this bullshit for weeks.

I'm a young, black, nappy headed ho woman and here’s how I feel about it…

Dear Everybody Who Cried At Night Because of What Don Imus Said,

Please start another march again. Another march to give that nappy eye-browed motherfucker his job back. Why the hell did y’all march and scream and holla and enlist the King of The Black People to waste people’s time on this nonsense assed project? Getting a motherfucker fired. Come on now. That’s mad gay. Imus is probably somebody uncle. Would y’all want him to come down to your job and get your Uncle fired? No. It would be easy, ‘cause Uncle Pookie smoke weed and they are doing those random drug tests…right?

Fuck whether he was right or wrong for saying whatever he said, fuck all that. Let’s talk about the fact that every time some minor negro-related issue comes up, a big deal is made about it and people eventually are appeased by some bullshit when there’s real racism going on in the world--you know the type that actually affects people’s basic human rights and their quality of life? Not some old white motherfucker who needs PCJ all up in his brow area before he even tries to play somebody on that ole’ bullshit. Who cares what the fuck Imus said? Did y’all march and try to get Rush Limbaugh fired? Or Bill ‘O Reilly? No? Well they are still doing their thing, what makes this motherfucker so criminal?

First of all Imus has been saying fucked up shit for years…where the fuck was y’all at before? Second of all, this country is built on freedom of speech (or so I’ve been told). Now don’t get me wrong, whatever you say or do no matter how free you are, will result in corroborating consequences and repercussions. And if that involves mothefuckers not liking what you said and not patronizing your show or product, then oh well, you took the risk. In this land the consumer is boss and Imus’ consumers should have had the say in his fate. I doubt that the protestors and marchers even knew who the fuck he was until he got blown up for saying that dumb shit that wasn’t even funny.

Furthermore, this was not even worth protesting and marching for. Yes, you are correct, Imus’ talk is a symptom and indication of how black women are perceived by mainstream society, but getting him fired will do nothing about that perception. It only makes black people look like sensitive weak—not to mention stupid and shallow-- motherfuckers.

While you was busy getting all up in arms about Don Imus, there continued to be a lack of health and educational services for your children in inner-cities all across America. There are liquor stores and McDonalds/KFCs in your neighborhoods and a pervasive problem of diabetes and obesity. There is a lack of cash flow in the communities from denizen (i.e. “black”) owned businesses contributing to unemployment and poverty. Speaking of poverty, there are children who are not getting enough to eat in your community. They are sleeping in cars and shit while their older homeless counterparts are not getting the mental care they need so they run around on the C train stabbing tourists and not fucking taking a bath. There are children who think 50 Cent is a god, and who are more into their MySpace pages than their fucking notebooks and textbooks…and oh yeah, where are the fucking textbooks? And when you find some, where is all the information about how black people and immigrants built this motherfucker? Why is it that on the West Coast a war is starting between the Blacks and Mexican-Americans but not one of you cares that your neighbors, your “people” are being killed and run out of their homes? Why aren’t you protesting a beef partially instigated by a xenophobic presidential administration which also continues to be hypocritical toward immigrant policy (we’ll let y’all into work and give you amnesty for shooting a motherfucker, but we’ll also randomly deport your ass whenever we can). And if you want to talk about more “negro” issues, there’s a war going on where many of your black sons, boyfriends, husbands and brothers are on the frontline because they signed up for the armed forces chasing a fucking dream of getting an education and doing something important with their lives, because all that shit I listed above, is going on in their hood and they need a way out. And then there’s Sean Bell, and the problem of police brutality not just against Black people, but against poor people and people who are just plain ole’ bullied in everyday life by some of the scum on the police force that give the whole crew a bad name.

So you out there mad ‘cause some old motherfucker on his death bed, with the nappiest eyebrows I’ve ever laid eyes on, think the entire Rutgers women’s basketball team needs a fucking touch up? Give me a break. The next time you want to look for a reason to be self-righteous, find a real reason to be self-righteous.

And Imus, you ain't scot free in this either bitch. How you gonna talk about, “well rappers say it, so I thought it would be cool”? What kind of lame assed excuse is that you ignorant asshole? Since when did rappers come to represent all of Black American humanity in this country? And if Snoop jumped off a fucking bridge you gonna do it too? No, and if you say you would then you’d be lying. If you gonna say sorry then just say it. Stupid.


Piff Tannen said...

oh shit, don't hurt em j!
