Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What About Your Friends?

That pic above is supposed to be a part of a series of screencaps that depict Lindsay Blohan 1) stuffing coke up a friend's nostrils 2) Doing lines of coke. Her "buddy" leaked this to press in an effort to show how messed up she is. I call this "dry snitching".

Listen, I looked at the pics and I didn't see anything incriminating. There's one of a girl stuffing something in another girl's nose but you can't really be sure that it's Lindsay.

I'm not saying that this bitch isn't constantly coked out of her mind, but what's the point of trying to blow somebody's shit up if you're not explicitly showing her doing something. This is bullshit! We want real dirt! Here's what her fairweather friend had to say about the night the filming took place:

"Lindsay does not care who sees her do coke and where she does it...She carries around a water bottle to try to fool everyone into thinking she is clean but she tips the water out and refills it with vodka and soda...That night I saw her do more than 20 big lines of cocaine. She was still up doing drugs at 11am even though she had started about 8pm the night before. She wasn't even trying to hide it and was blatantly doing it off table tops, keys, books and in the wardrobe, where she was hunched over with her legs crossed almost bent in half doing it off some magazine on the floor. I remember looking at her and thinking how pathetic she looked and how out of control she had become."

Okay so we get it, she got all coked up in the ladies' room and you were filming it. But how much coke did you do that night? And what about the other girls who you put on blast that are shown in the pics? You trying to "help" them too? Who ever the snitch is don't care, she just starts to feed some "juicier" superfluous info to the tabs when she says:

"When she is on coke, which is most of the time, all the attention has to be on her. I have lost count of the number of times I have watched as she stripped naked in front of everyone. Then she loves to check herself out in the mirror as she parades around with her boobs hanging out. One night we had gone back to her place and, as always, as soon as she walked through the door she stripped down to her thong, bent down and snorted cocaine off her coffee table and then off her toilet seat."

If you go to News Of The World, you'll see that the snitch is also talking about about how Lindsay has a sex addiction, and how she likes to do british guys like Jude Law (eww) and James Blunt (double eww). Listen, I'm not about to straight up hate on Lohan because I'm not Perez Hilton and I haven't been hired by Paris to do so...but we all know she's a freak and a coke ho. I wanted some hardcore EVIDENCE! I wanna see her do coke off of a toilet seat snitches. Next time, be on your job when you're trying to snag some fame and money of your own. And remember Linds, you can pick your friends, and you can pick your friend's nose, but you can't stuff coke up your friend's nose. Oh wait, nevermind.